Decluttering & Downsizing

Decluttering services

One person’s clutter is another person’s treasure. While only you can decide what counts as clutter in your home, eliminating unwanted or unneeded objects will make it easier to maintain an organized home. We help by:

  • Categorizing and grouping items for you to review

  • Asking questions to help you decide what to keep and what to let go

  • Sorting items to keep, donate, and discard

  • Sharing strategies to make it easier to let go of clutter

  • Assisting with donation drop-offs

Downsizing support

If you are moving into a smaller space, you most likely need to eliminate some of your belongings to keep your new home comfortable. We understand how difficult it can be to let go of things that made your house your home. We’re here to make the process a little easier by:

  • Helping you identify which items will work in your new space

  • Decluttering items you no longer want or need

  • Identifying options for donating, gifting, reselling, or recycling

  • Creating organizing solutions that allow you to maximize a smaller space

Say goodbye to clutter.

Schedule a free consultation to learn more about how we can help you go clutter-free.